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$50.00 AUD  




NOT FOR USE IN EYE - See Below Conjunctiva Eye Drops


The conjunctiva is the pink tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the white portion of the eyeball (sclera).  It acts as a protective layer and contains glands that produce the tear film that is required for healthy eyes.


Conjunctivitis is present when the conjunctiva tissue becomes inflamed, red, congested and painful.  The cause can be a variety of issues such as bacteria, virus or environmental pollutants such as pollen, dust and smoke.


Common symptoms are:


  • Watery eye/s

  • Redness and swelling

  • Squinting (light sensitivity)

  • Discharge from eye (starts out clear then progresses into a thick yellow/green mucus

  • sneezing, nasal discharge or fever


Our fast acting Conjunctivitis Complex is suitable for the following bacteria and virus's:

  • Conjunctivitis also known as "pink eye"

  • Herpes Virus Chlamydia

  • Rickettsia

  • Bartonella


Use Conjunctivis Complex in conjunction with our Conjunctiva Eye Drops for fast relief of infection.


** Please note: Conjunctivitis Complex is NOT to be used in the eye, it is for dosing on the animals fur as per our dosing instructions.


Conjunctiva Eye Drops ARE to be used directly in the eye and we recommend treating both eyes with the drops.


Dosage: Homeopathic remedies


10 drops on to fur in between shoulder blades, four times per day. 


For acute symptoms, dose every 10 minutes for the first  hour, then every 30 minutes for the first day.

Then 5-10 times a day on day two

Then 4-6 times a day on day three and onward.


Can also place 10 drops in animals water bowl.

Suitable for all ages and species.



Euphrasia (dilution:100C)

Ferrum Iodatum (Dilution: 100C)

Staphylococcinum (Dilution: 1M)

Eye structures (Dilution:3X)

eyelids (Dilution:3X)

lacrimal apparatus (Dilution:3X)

conjunctiva (Dilution:3X)

superior tarsus (Dilution:3X)

lymph glands (Dilution:3X)

lacrimal gland (Dilution:3X)

lacrimal ducts (Dilution:3X)

lacrimal sac (Dilution:3X)

graphites (Dilution:30C)

guaiacum (Dilution:30C)

hepar sulphuris calcareum (Dilution:30C)

pulsatilla (Dilution:30C)

natrum muriaticum (Dilution:100C)

$45.00 AUD inc gst 


Conjunctiva Eye Drops contain a specific combination of homeopathic remedies and nosodes suspended in silver water to aid in the fast relief of eye related issues such as the virus and bacteria's that cause conjunctivitis.


  • Conjunctivitis also known as "pink eye"

  • Herpes Virus Chlamydia

  • Rickettsia

  • Bartonella


Common symptoms are:


  • Watery eye/s

  • Redness and swelling

  • Squinting (light sensitivity)

  • Discharge from eye (starts out clear then progresses into a thick yellow/green mucus

  • sneezing, nasal discharge or fever


If acute conditions are present, 1 drop can be placed in the eye/s every hour for the first day.

Then 1 drop in the eye/s 3-6 times a day.


We do recommend treating both eyes.


These drops can be used alone or in conjunction with our Conjunctivitis Complex.



herpes 1 (Dilution:10M)

herpes 2 (Dilution:10M)

herpes 3 (Dilution:10M)

herpes 4 (Dilution:10M)

herpes virus complex (Dilution:10M)

rickettsia prowazekii (Dilution:10M)

bartonella (Dilution:10M)

bartonella quintana (cat ticks & fleas) (Dilution:10M)

bartonella henselea (cat scratch fever) (fever + lymph swell) (Dilution:10M)

chlamydia (Dilution:10M)


These Products are not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any diseases and have not been evaluated by the FDA, TGA or NRA.

Supported by the Ross Martin Clinic 

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